The news of a tragedy always impacts us in ways we don’t anticipate.

A horrific shooting, a celebrity death, or some other awful event makes us stop in our tracks. Its important for us to take a moment to understand our reactions to these events, because it can tell us a lot about ourselves.

Unresolved grief or trauma can resurrect itself in these random moments. Experiences that have affected us in the past will return and bring a double portion of emotions.

It is SO important to give yourself the space to FEEL your feelings, not just think them. Ask yourself what you’re feeling, where you feel it in your body, and what you need.

Giving a voice to your emotions is the first step in allowing them to heal.

We can’t control the things that happen, but we can control ourselves. Take some time today to recognize whats happening inside of you, and allow the sad or triggered or scared places to be brought to light.

This is a great time for you to reach out to someone you trust and talk about what you’re feeling. This person can be a therapist, trusted friend or mentor, a good pastor, or teacher.

There is no shame in what you feel. Tragedy should be mourned. But we need to also care for ourselves during that time.

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